This is JFractionLab!
Doing fractions is fun with JFractionLab.
JFraction is a free program to practice doing fractions
at school or at home.
JFractionLab shows you each step of the calculation
and therefore helps you to understand them.
JFractionLab gives you an answer after each input,
making it impossible to have a false answer.
JFractionLab is easy to use,
all you need is the returnbutton and the numberbuttons.
You can decide yourself just how many sums you do.
The menu shows you how many sums you have completed.
You can use a protocolfile to save the number of completed sums.
In a table you can view all saved information.
This is meant to be of help for the teacher.
JFractionLab is international.
At the moment it is translated into
German, French, Spanish, English and Italien.
This is what it looks like!
Technical Requirements
JFractionLab is a programme written in Java,
it runs on Linux, MacOS and Windows.
This requires the installation of a
This is the licence!
Copyright with permission from Jochen Georges
JFractionLab is licenced by the
You are allowed to use the programme free of charge.
You are allowed to sell this programme.
You are allowed to see and modify the sourcecode.
All modifications must also be under the conditions of the GNU GPL.
The used library "TableLayout.jar" is under the licence
"The Clearthought Software License, Version 1.0"
from Daniel Barbalace, 2001
JFractionLab is still a baby.
This is on the TODO-List:
- translations into even more languages
- secure protocols
You can help!
You do not have to be a programmer to help!!.
You can:
- translate JFractionLab into other languages.
- can test JFractionLab
and give me feedback and bugreports
- tell your friends about JFractionLab.
- link this side on your homepage.